The Association of Friends of Sister Benigna > Amaiben’s Representatives

Amaiben’s Representatives

Ever since its foundation, Amaiben has been trying to comply with request made by Sister Benigna to Mrs. Maria do Carmo Mariano, President of the Association: “Don’t do anything alone. Start the Association of Friends of Sister Benigna".

With the growth of the devotion, besides Belo Horizonte, the Association noticed the need to provide other representatives in some cities in the state of Minas Gerais. The representatives are the link between Amaiben and the people. Recognized by their commitment and dedication with the devotion, they became responsible for the dissemination of Sister Benigna’s life example.

In Felixlândia, the representative is Mrs. Maria de Jesus, a person who is very dedicated to the Church and the needs of others.

In the city of Lavras, one of the representatives is Mrs. Maria Villas Boas, who knew Sister Benigna. And the other representative is Mrs. Lillian Aparecida, who has also been doing a great work in the city and its surroundings.

In Lambari, the representative is Mrs. Rosalina Assunção. For many years, she has been doing an important work in this city, in the rural area, and also with children and teenagers.

Mrs. Derli Maria, who got to know the devotion through her family, and Mrs. Deisiane, her niece, are the representatives of the city of Itauna.

The representation of Amaiben in Sete Lagoas is made by Mr. Wagner Martins and his wife, Mrs. Gardênia Martins.

In Diamantina, Mr. Ricardo Dessimoni and his wife, Mrs. Nísia, who both knew Sister Benigna, are the current representatives. Nowadays, they are engaged in making Sister Benigna even more appreciated and valued in her home city.

In the State Capital, Mrs. Patrícia Machado and Mrs. Mariana Cruz, who for a long time have been dedicating themselves, along with their family members, to several works regarding the devotion, are the representatives.

Amaiben’s Representatives (Map of Minas Gerais)